Dr. Julia DiGangi, received her PhD in Clinical-Community psychology from DePaul University where her work focused on trauma, PTSD, and substance use.
As a neuropsychologist, Dr. Julia DiGangi brings a unique perspective to wellness and performance. Based on her expertise, she leads trainings and develops curricula on the neuroscience of emotional, cognitive, and social health. Using the latest advances in neuroscience and psychology, she focuses on practical, evidence-based strategies to achieve behavioral change that sticks.
She is an expert on the effects of chronic stress on our brains and our behavior. She has treated stress and trauma in civilian, community, and military contexts. For more than 20 years, she has worked with traumatized and underserved communities around the globe. Prior to pursuing her Ph.D., she worked in international human rights, where she designed aid programs in places like Iraq, Nigeria, and Kenya. She received her Ph.D. from DePaul University and completed her residency at the Boston Consortium where she was a Clinical Fellow at Harvard Medical School and a Teaching Fellow at Boston University School of Medicine. In this capacity, she treated patients at VA Boston and the National Center for PTSD.
In her TEDx Talk she speaks about suffering and brings a refreshing lightness to this very difficult topic.
Watch it here: https://youtu.be/EBxOUpkuL3Y
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